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cool astrology placements

Ive also met a lot of Taurus placements who love hugs or love holding their loved ones close to them. (Vedic Astrology + more on my blog<3), Theory I made but also some research behind this). (Theory), Lilith in 4th in Synastry could indicate the mother could be envious of the connection. They tend to be older than their classmates. You have a natural talent of creativity & dont let anything unoriginal bother you. (They are like home). When the north node is in this house, it indicates that you have a great potential for success in the areas of spirituality, philosophy, and religion.You may be drawn to these subjects as a way to expand your knowledge Keep reading and compare to your own chart to see any of these placements are in YOUR Astrology! Example; relationships. People with sun square moon may not have a good emotional connection with their father / figure. intuitive & astrologer readings are closed HIATUSSS! Leo risings / placements (developed) know when to cut off negative energy / people in their life!! Cancer placements love doing traditional things! (Theory I made but also some research behind this). Jupiter Dominants= Abundance, Happiness, Wisdom, Money. (Trine, sextile, conjuction, benefit most from this). have a very beautiful physical beauty to them. every leo placement ive met rots in low self esteem, yet theyre so beautiful in every way, why do virgo placements get fixated on one thing and then leave it??? If you have mars in 4th youdefinitely rebel over anything your parents say & argue every day over pointless things at times. Finding someone who has great boundaries, spiritual interest, grounded, and emotional intelligence would be ideal. If you take relationships very seriously, have a need for commitment, need to follow certain rules, or fear rejection. You likely have strong Saturn and Capricorn placements in your 5th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house. Protective and emotional, Cancers are the most sentimental and romantic of all the signs. Sagittarius placements couldve been trouble makers or less serious when young. (Pisces placements love sniffing things). WebWhich placements/aspects explain my life is soooo technology dependent. Pluto in 10th may attract people who think they dont deserve their success. They are also seen as lucky by others. Astrologically speaking, Mercury is never more than one sign away from the Sun since it never travels more than 28 degrees from the Sun. not even trying to ego boost but yall are beautiful.. why do pisces moons desperately try to love everyone and try to make sure everyone feels included? Venus - Pluto individuals protect your energy, youre very easily envied. Leo moons have really big hearts ( Leo rules the heart) These people have really big hearts and are very compassionate. They can give too much care and love once they think someone deserves it but not everyone deserves an Earth rising, thats when they isolate themselves and most would wonder what happened to them, they need frequent breaks to heal themselves, make sure to prioritize your ways of healings. sagittarius moons dont like being asked the same question twice. 9th house placements in synastry / composite could indicate long- distance / travels in relationships. Yall are naturally admired & people close to your circle get good luck. Pisces placements may love candles / nice odor around. FOURTH HOUSE: Your fourth house represents home. do not steal. Its said the sign of your 11th is how your friend sees you / how you take care of your friends. Virgo Mars men may like complete domination over their partner in sex. Saturn has been touring Aquarius since December 2020 but is now making its way into Pisces, where it will remain until February 14, 2026. They may have a very elegant way of walking. Click here for vedic astrology placements and loving a scorpio woman. If you have capricorn placements (especially capricorn moon) or/and virgo placements Im just gonna assume you expect the worst case sceneraio 24/7. Sun - Moon find it hard to hide their sadness unless other placements indicate otherwise their emotions shine right through. Example; Uranus in 1st may attract a lot of Aquarius energy or /and be confused as an Aquarius placement often. (Check other placements), Leo placements (Especially Moon & Rising) may wake up with hair all over the place or somewhat messy. Planets are some of the most important placements in astrology. Some planets hold more power in your chart than others. The Nodes are astrology placements that describe your karma. How your planets are placed is also meaningful. Neptune in 10 | 1st individuals be careful of copycats you may say you are aware but these placements tend to not notice when people mimic them until later on. One thing about Capricorn placements is that they stay minding their own business and being unbothered. Gemini placements especially Mercuries from what Ive noticed are always doing a lot at once and so much thoughts go through them they could forget some things. Each of these aspects creates The full moon on March 7 brings an unstable energy to the houses that illuminate your career, and if you work from home, things could feel a little strained in the first few days of the month. However, you somewhat know this and prefer to be more emotionally unavailable, but this isnt the healthy way to deal with energy drains from environments / situations, prioritize yourself and your well-being. Someone with a Libra rising in the ascendant persona chart may be seen as conventionally attractive & charming & very aesthetic. Venus in Taurus or in Libra has a slightly similar effect. Start working out, going out etc. People with Saturn in 3rd may have a limited amount of siblings. (Especially Moon) they can be hit with the harsh realization of things later on in life and could be filled with duties. Mercury Your Words. They are very good advice givers because of their analytical nature. They have ways of detaching themselves emotionally and preferring to live somewhere else (their head) and just be in their thoughts all the time. do have a harder time with anger because Mars likes to do things fast and Water mars like to take things a little slower and have tendencies to drain themselves. pt.1, blunt astro observations : *:*:*:. Pluto in 1st individuals tend to get accused of bad vibes a lot when its really just their intense energy. why have so many libras been in so many relationships either that or they are so picky who theyre with. Pisces placements may find it hard not to fall asleep in any comfortable dreamy place. If the degree on your rising sign is the opposite sign from your rising sign you may show two sides of you to the world. If they suspect you.. its over.. theyll play their cards right until they get exactly what they need to see. Pluto in 10th individuals especially Women are most likely to be used by men. See the funny thing is Gemini placements tend to have low attention span I find it very bad that they are stereotyped as cheaters when they cant even focus on things they dont find interesting. & Ive noticed Pluto in 10th likes havingpowerful friends that can boost them. Often misunderstood. Astrology can be a tool for various areas in one life. Sagittarius midheavens may be a spiritual teacher. A lot of Air dominants have a lot of regrets from what Ive noticed a lot wish they could go back in time (Observation) . This series is to teach you to love every part of yourself and that no placement or chart is bad. Mercury in 12th individuals struggle to be heard and people tend to ignore them and what they have to say quite often. This is because their sister sign is Aquarius. They tend to have a feature that stands out. These people hide things like crazy and will take things to the grave if they have to. Will fight for security that may have been stolen from them. like every single part of their face was so perfect kind of like they were designed?? Pluto in Scorpio individuals tend to be more inclined to be witches and most of them are probably disappointed in Pluto in Sagittarius individuals for not handling Witchcraft maturely. Venus square Ascendant youre literally beautiful stop trying to change yourself.. you fit in. Okay, I know opposite moon signs are similar, but sagittarius and geminis are sooooo fucking similarr. Neptune dominants / Neptune in 1st have a way of attracting people but they are usually not aware, some can be blind to obviously things like red flags. Pluto in 10th individuals may hide secrets from the public eye & do it very well. Check your midheaven degree for farther insight on career this lifetime! WebThere are 10 aspects in Astrology: conjunction, sextile, square, trine, opposition, quincunx, semi-sextile, sesquiquadrate, quintile, and bi-quintile. This is a Mercury placement that looks at your actions to judge your character, not your words. Taurus placement women never really age, especially the Taurus Risings. Mercury in Cancer/Pisces. leo risings tend to have really nice eyes that are glowy and kind of big? like lip gloss!! better if 2+ especially jupiter in Libra, libra placements have such bad self esteem, cancer venus needs to stop letting people walk all over them, Leo suns can lie a lot about themselves maybe in youth to impress people. Love is subjective and with my placements Venus- Pluto are very good with people they will analyze everything you like to make you be obsessed with them. Also, start getting more sleep / a healthy routine and start doing things for you and not for others. This is one of the biggest cosmic events of 2023. So many pisces placements get into online / long distance relationships. Today, let's talk air. Capricorn placements love deep things just like Scorpio placements do, they just understand each other. Ex; Capricorn in 11th: Karmic experiences with the internet. Pisces placements / 12th house placements are super intelligent but are so looked over. Will give off a venusian vibe more. Cancer placements tend to have an intuition that they could sense when something is up with their loved ones like literally they can feel all their emotions. Fire placements tend to get a boost of energy and motivation out of nowhere especially Aries placements. I think people tend to assume they have their shit together maybe even confident a lot of the times. They cant see their worth too easily but they praise love and positivity and cant let this part of them shown too easily, no one really knows them until they open up (Capricorn in 4th). Discover your free personalized horoscope, your natal chart, and the best forecasts by transits. Aries energy can sometimes be confused for Scorpio energy (both intense). are very private people but they give out irrelevant information that would make it seem otherwise. Mercury - Saturn individuals have an intellect that goes beyond their years. Overthinking could cause problems. In Ameries Birth Chart, you can see that she has no placement in a fame degree, except for her Rising Sign in Aquarius at 5. Use your advanced ethics to the best of your ability and dont be so hard on yourself. A lot tend to be little nerds and have a lot of interesting interests. Libra placements are the type to glam up look pretty but just be at home doing nothing. Ive also noticed Leo venuses have a lot of love languages, theyre so generous! virgo risings look like fairies too but like garden fairies.. they look so youthful! Mercury rules tricks and these people can charm their way out of anything. Start Astro Clocks (Chart will open in the Leo placements never really forget their exes from what Ive observed. Mars Your Ambition/Power. People with Virgo risings / placements tend to have a sense of humor where they make fun of themselves a lot, it doesnt bother them. Venus in taurus tells me you settle once you get that security in someone and when they start acting up you find security in another person like you pack your bags and leave haha no bullshitt from this person. Ive seen it a lot, these people are incredibly generous. Water Mars (Mars in 4th, Mars in 8th, Mars in 12th) do have a harder time with anger because Mars likes to do things fast and Water mars like to take things a little slower and have tendencies to drain themselves. Of course these rules are general and will be colored by sign, planetary aspects, nakshatra placements and other associations. Your placements can tell you the way you manifest especially Jupiter. Mercury in scorpio probably makes you seem like more of a scorpio more than any other placement. Also why are so gemini moons interested in astrology?? Scorpio placements dont take no for an answer when they really want something. Remember all you feel is valid and that youre not too emotional. For example; Person has Leo rising with Pholus opposites their rising, they may find themselves changing their hair a lot (Leo risings are known for hair). Sagittarius placements can be very social & fun.. sure but they may disappear out of nowhere & change plans because a Sagittarius placement is always moving & so is their moods. You need to start surrounding yourself with better energies and people that put the effort because y'all put a LOT of effort into things once youre emotionally involved and can find yourself into one-sided situations quite often. Like pisces placements Ive met are soooo weirdd. Example someone having a Sagittarius mars in a libra degree may be a little more shy and less confrontational way they may think through it more. People with Saturn in Virgo are very picky and are prone to not liking what they do often, they feel as if they have to be better. What do you think? One way you can distinguish a Libra rising is by their smile and maybe existen dimples. Moon in Sagittarius individuals are prone to developing emotional connections to people who may live farther than them. You are able to boost other coworkers positions and help them receive recognition The type of Clair (intuition type) you have is shown through your moon and mercury sign. Jupiter in 10th, why yall care so much if people like you or not? Their intuition is always right about things & people. theyre good now, aquarius moons we get it you can pull both genders cause youre hot asf, neptune in 3rd yall make too many typos its like youre not even seeing your keyboard, gemini moons stop crying cause you got mad that the website wouldnt load in 5 secs, yall have anger issues, aries moons yall always have headaches and have to sleep 24/7 to fix them, scorpio mercuries, not everyone is out to get you sometimes people just wanna say hi, leo venuses yall love talking shit its your favorite thing, but will cry if your individuality complex isnt being boosted in a simple conversation, sagittarius mars take the trash out and stop watching anime and do your homework. Pluto in the 6th house represents a person who is cool, has an easygoing approach and keen power of observation. A lot of people who didnt know they had Scorpio Venus when they found out they did it was probably a big oh thats why moment. Leo Venuses are bold usually but when they have a crush they turn a little shy, usually theyll show you if they want you. As a 5th house stellium person I just love Romance and with Scorpio moon Im very emotional. A lot of you have to learn how to be more direct like an Aries mars. Taurus. i swear omg looking like whole models yall. You easily feel the negatives of others & external sources and this can make you break-down often. (Gemini rules hands). Pisces placements growing up were most likely told their eyes were big or/and very pretty. Yeah, block button now. Venus in taurus tells me you love spoiling yourself 24/7, as you should. its simple.. worship them , leo venus x scorpio venus in a relationship just screams intense love but passionate . Im convinced hugging a Taurus placement is everything youll ever need. However, you tend to let things pile up until you have had enough and become very stubborn into what you think is right. Often misunderstood. Also, start getting more sleep / a healthy routine and start doing things for you and not for others. (Especially Conjuctions) Also these individuals tend to prefer their father for emotional comfort unless other placements state otherwise. I know fire placements are given the reputation of being creative and shit they are, but air placements tend to be incredibly creative too but they may express it through writing the most. Saturn has been touring Aquarius since December 2020 but is now making its way into Pisces, where it will remain until February 14, 2026. Pluto in 10th likes when other people are intimidated by them like yall feel like you have POWER. (Some things just dont spark their interest), Pisces risings have really pretty legs. Air placements tend to love experimenting with things often. Its hard for someone to truly know whats going on in their thoughts. do not repost my shit without my permission. If youre lucky, it will connect in some way with the second and eighth houses. If they suspect you.. its over.. theyll play their cards right until they get exactly what they need to see. The planets are Theyve always been outlined in some sort and are always going through parts of self-discovery. They can purposely make themselves believe something that is false. They usually inspire & may others feel more confident. What is it with the Gemini unfaithful stereotype? (Vedic Astrology + more on my blog<3). probably liked to bring a big purse and flex, ive noticed a lot of leo suns have blonde hair with waves, Leo venus is literally the definition of loyal if loved and respected, Mars in Libra youre passive aggresive and you know this, venus in virgo some of yall can appear unlikeable to people at first but then people tend to like you a lot after they get to know u?? Wanna know the impression + slight vibe you give off? Maybe some flings / long distance haha pls lmk). Leo placements look amazing when they take pictures outside especially when the Sun is shining on them, I dont have to explain much, theyre ruled by the Sun. Ex; Chiron in 1st individuals will always hype up everyone & boost everyones ego and confidence because they know how hard and bad it is to feel down and neglected. This is not said / noted enough but Pisces placements (especially the rising) tend to be very weird individuals who may have unconventional interests. But for real yall are the most intense yet passionate lovers . they should draw their imagination, its really beautiful, cancer moons probably have felt their families emotions when younger or probably still do! They remember facts from years ago, its hard to fool them. This isnt to say other mars placements dont have this ability! Aries : March 21 - April 19. You are caught up in Whether or not everything gets done is another question altogether, for an Aries prefers to initiate rather than to complete. Jupiter Your Knowledge/Success. They also create a sense of nostalgia for a lot of people. Libra risings are one of the most helpful individuals, they love to be convenient even though Virgo risings get the reputation of being helpful, I believe Libra risings never hesitate to help anyone in need <3. like cute ones and some of them look like i stg, cancer mars women def love to dream abt getting dominated. cancer mercuries can be kind of passive when theyre angry in communication.. like they will be like k ok.. capricorn + gemini in a chart= someone that gets irritated from peoples idiotic acts easily , sagittarius mars love partying?? Moon Square Uranus may find their mother very annoying or invading, they could be a bit distant as well. They tend to have a lot of friends. You often feel like an old soul because of your wisdom, start believing in your knowledge and your power and dont ever underestimate yourself because you have the tendency to. Mars in cancer individuals tend to be more on the physically weaker side. So many people with these placements stay in toxic situations and try tomake it right no, LEAVE. People with Aries in 2nd are respectfully, very bad with their money. They are very kind people and wouldnt ever harm anyone, this can go very far and they may let people walk all over them. Another manifestation is that they attract people who wanna use them for what they have and leave. maybe even tattos, Ive noticed virgo placements after socializing they need a time out from the social world.., every fire moon ive met loves napping! Venus in 5th in synastry could indicate one of you guys like the idea of unprotected sex. When I see planets like Jupiter (planet of luck), Venus (planet of love), Mercury (planet of communication), the sun (planet of self), or even a new moon happening in someones fifth house of love, romance, and creativity, I expect to see them shining when it comes to dating. capricorn culture is making / wanting to make bank since they were 10. ( Check other placements). One thing about Pisces placements is that they attract people who wanna distort them on who they are. Aries in 2nd house tend to be making money at young ages / more advanced but not always the best at keeping it. This only goes to underdeveloped Scorpio placements and not to the mature ones (I have Scorpio Placements) but Ive noticed a pattern where underdeveloped Scorpio placements are prone to copying / using sly techniques in order to get power, wether this is cheating off other people or anything of that nature, some really underdeveloped ones can be very hungry for power and recognition theyll do anything at almost any cost.

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