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why are vietnam vets dying so fast

At a time when I was paying $300 a credit, my entire educational benefit was $126. And when it came to finding a job, he was met with thinly veiled disgust and discrimination from law firms upon learning he was a Vietnam infantry veteran. In the United States 17-year-olds may join the armed forces with the written agreement of parents. (Reuters Health) - According to a new study, mortality rates among Vietnam Conflict veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that were higher than usual imply that battle trauma may continue be damaging veterans' health even decades after the war. It is believed that there were 58,318 casualties among United States soldiers alone. or the Central Highlands and operations in between. There are currently 83,204 unaccounted for U.S.personnel, and the Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office at the Pentagon reports that this number includes 73,547 service members from World War II, 7,883 service members from the Korean War, 126 service members from the Cold War, 1,642 service members from the Vietnam War, and six service members from Iraq and other recent conflicts, including three Defense Department personnel. . Best wishes, I just watched a VN movie about the Hanoi Hilton.. The official VA figures for surviving vets of the Viet Nam era show 81% to still be around; the percentage for those who served in Viet Nam is slightly lower, due first to the fact that 58,000 died there. Is there anyone who actually has documented evidence of the Viet Nam vet suicides? Like our Vietnam Brothers, who followed a decade after us, there is a bond that can never be broken between us. ive been asked a few times over the years if im a combat vet. Born: 09/15/1946. Im 66 years old, going in to the hospital for the 4th time for more stents. The Vietnam War lasted from 1964-1973the longest war in American history. Endemic in the rivers of Vietnam, the worms can easily be wiped out with a handful of pills early on, but left untreated they can live for decades without making their hosts sick. Vietnam was a lost war, and it was the first major lost war abroad in American history, Lembcke says. Age: 84. you guys read to many bullshit books!!! we went to the 1st sargent and he said ok. i went out for 7 or 8 mo. We built houches in 1967. Do you think there shouldnt be any baggage there? They quickly filed paperwork with the Department of Veterans Affairs, or VA, for disability payments. Theres one, just like the ones that we used, painted red, hanging from the ceiling at the Pima Air Museum. Locality: Detroit, in the state of Michigan. I dont have any but ONE Viet Vet friend still alive, he and I served in Marines 1st marine Airwing, 1967 at Da Nang Air Base and left the day befor TET offensive started Jan 1, 1968. tell everyone that was their to go & get a blood test to check for agent orange 1st comes diabetes then prostate cancer thats what a dr told me yesterday. For those who believe that the stories of being spit on and being called baby killers and other injustices is crap than you are living in a dream world. I welcomed 2 Marines back home and they returned the gesture. I left the Corps in 1970 and went to work as a Police Officer in a large southern city. 1st Recon April 12, 1997. Ive been trying for 17 years now. We can only pray that the current generation of young men and women who are the current targets of a cottage-industry of professionals who thrive on making them all impaired will fare better than we did. Related:More evidence Agent Orange causes cancer. Known as the Sky Soldiers, the 173rd Airborne Brigade is an airborne infantry brigade combat team (IBCT) of the United States Army that is stationed in Vicenza, Italy. when i arrived at my unit, 2/11th acr, how battery, a scruffy looking latino guy who happened to be back in the rear, convinced me, i needed to volunteer to go out to e-troop, in his stead, (hed already been out there 6 mo. We read this article at our last meeting thanks again. M c Clurg, Ernest H. Some of it came from a VFW Post. How old did you have to be to be drafted in Vietnam? The 69-year-old, who lives in Port Jefferson Station, New York, didn't have any symptoms when he agreed to take part in the study, but hoped his participation could help save lives. 7,484 women (6,250 or 83.5% were nurses) served in Vietnam. -----In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. Yes some do fabricate stuff. But what are you doing in addition to saying thank you?. So the last 14 years we are dying too fast, only the few will survive by 2025. 1 killed in the Nam, 2 dead by their own hand. Vietnam veterans are reaching a point in their lives where they may be retired, losing the past support systems of family and friends, susceptible to depression and prime candidates for. The collective emotion of the country was divided, says Jerry Lembke, a Vietnam veteran, sociologist and author of The Spitting Image: Myth, Memory, and the Legacy of Vietnam. I received a memo from the Virginia VA dated March 9, 2010 stating that although VA was required to publish the new regulation by March 12, 2010 (in accordance with the Agent Orange Act of 1991 stipulating timeframes for action), VA would be unable to meet that date. does not receiving a cib mean im not a combat vet? Thanks to our Editor, Mark Evans, I have some raison de etre. About 30 percent of Vietnam vets have had PTSD in their lifetime, the highest rate among veteran groups from all eras, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' National Center for PTSD. Jorge Otero Barreto. The Iraqui and Afghan war vets are getting PTSD Tx. If not mustard gas, then agent orange, the the Gulf syndrome. He immediately scheduled further tests, discovering he had two cysts on his bile duct, which had the potential to develop into the cancer, known as cholangiocarcinoma. Please look at his webpage: The Department of Veterans Affairs this spring commissioned a small pilot study to look into the link between liver flukes ingested through raw or undercooked fish and a rare bile duct cancer. Do you have any statistics on how many of the so called BWN vets are coming down with AO related presumptive diseases. Protestors demonstrate for full benefits for all US veterans, including Vietnam War veterans in July, 1974. If true, 390 VN vets die a day. And approximately 164,000 Americans who served at sea in Vietnam waters are alive today. have similar data. Roughly 300-thousand veterans have died from Agent Orange exposure -- that's almost five times as many as the 58-thousand who died in combat. This isnt good news for us in country vets. (Reuters Health) Higher than average death rates among Vietnam War veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) suggest that combat trauma may still be affecting veterans health even decades after the war, according to a new study. If you fought in Vietnam you were watching your . Your email address will not be published. Punchbowl National Cemetery of the Pacific is called. I went back to work (with Government Defense Contractor)where I worked before entering service and was laid off after 1 month.Went to VA rep who did nothing about it,but then sent me for a job as an exterminator.went off on him and asked was this supposed to be closest civilian related occupation. The USS Rhona was blown up with a German missile. We are not dying off that fast. sent back to the 4/18 artillery, the same unit I left in Germany. Who was the youngest American soldier killed in Vietnam? What is the average age of a Vietnam veteran today? Now I find the same scenario occurring with this AO fiasco. But no one spoke of the incident, nor was the media permitted to cover it as WE did not have missiles yet and did not want to alarm the public. It can take decades for symptoms to appear. I have never had or felt the same camaradrie I experienced serving two tours He and I flew out of Da Nang on the morning of Jan 1, 1968 (that night Da Nang A.B. He said the approval came right after his doctor wrote a letter saying his bile duct cancer was "more likely than not" caused by liver flukes from the uncooked fish he and his unit in Vietnam ate when they ran out of rations in the jungle. Lets all prove the stats wrong. I am not sure anyone will ever quantify the exact number of suicides. They were not necessarily looking for a parade, but they were certainly looking for basic human support and help in readjusting to civilian life after this really brutal war.. Dear Friends abd fellow vets, Mike I was on the USS America CVA 66 in 1970 and as such am part of the Blue Water Navy that is being shunned by the VA and congress. Why are Vietnam War veterans so crazy? I just got my crystal ball back from the shop. And as more and more wartime atrocities came to light, there was a national implication of guilt and shame placed on Vietnam veterans as participants in and avatars of a brutal, unsuccessful war. He was 15 years old and had been in-country nearly one month. . I too am a Marine Vietnam Veteran; (7th Marines 67-69), with multiple diagnoses. How the hell can anyone answer this question? Local boards called men classified 1-A, 18-1/2 through 25 years old, oldest first. DANang And before we ate our food they came from the beach and were to be sprayed along with everything else that the VA is making this presumption for having boots on the ground for even one minute. I went fucking ballistic. (Reuters Health) - Higher than average death rates among Vietnam War veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) suggest that combat trauma may still be affecting veterans' health even decades after the war, according to a new study. I am unable to find the museum websites referred to, though I find a National War Museum and a Veterans Memorial Museum. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. I have been reading the Veteran for 20 years and it has always scared the crap out of me. that 6 months after I left everybody rotated back to the states, say reminds me of How do you say let's keep in touch professionally? HEROLD, W.Va. A half century after serving in Vietnam, hundreds of veterans have a new reason to believe they may be dying from a silent bullet test results show some men may have been infected by a slow-killing parasite while fighting in the jungles of Southeast Asia. Names were called, Vets were spit on, along with not being respected by our own did happen. If you have a CIB, you do not need to verify stressors, so call the 1-800-827-1000 and tolerate the voice promptings/menu. They can assist a grateful nation in thanking and honoring Vietnam Veterans and their families. so in 2190 days.from today, lucky to be a Vietnam veteran alive. Not everyone boosts about how there home comming was and there are those who would like to leave that chapter behind them. The federal agency sent its sympathies but no money. Three weeks ago I suffered by 4th stroke, each attributed to ISD. Look upon myself as a well second tour. Nice of them. Where is the museum and website referred to as the source of the figure 850,000 living Vietnam veterans? Except for one, we were all medics. She was right. The program is for federal, state and local communities, Veterans' organizations and other nongovernmental organizations. So my main man at the DAV said were not going to appeal. We saved a lot of people and seen some bad stuff. Listed here are the four Vietnam veterans with the youngest ages. Astonishing! I am rated 100% disabled and damn happy to be privileged and capable of pushing out this small Blog. Likely 15 to 20 percent of the total who served after the buildup in 1965 were born before the end of World War II. I am a Nam Vet with Ischemic Heart Disease (ISD),an illnessfinally acknowledged that was caused by AO in Oct 2009 by VA Secretary Shineski. I was in uniform for 26 years and served honorably and faithfully. Twenty-one-year-old Steven A. Wowwk arrived as an infantryman in the Armys First Cavalry Division in Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam in early January 1969 to fight in an escalating and increasingly unwinnable war. A group of amputee Vietnam veterans talk together at a hospital in San Francisco, California, 1967. and counseling even before they get out of the service and checks nearly immediately upon discharge in the event of a disability. "But until further research, a recommendation cannot be made either way.". Base, then to NY. i was in a compound & seen them spraying and the next day everywhere they sprayed was brown. I took her to Punchbowl and then she understood. Aloha In my 60s now, retired disabled veteran live on my little firebase with my wife we both married for the first time she was 41 I was 43 share our life with our 11 dogs and 2 cats. December 21, 1953 Goldsboro, North Carolina, U.S. You should document that to the Patient Advocate Office. Vietnam veterans are dying at the rate of 390 deaths each day. No 'Welcome Home' parades for Vietnam vets. Using that same time frame the number of Blue Water Navy . Born: 04/07/1937. i cam back from nam in july of 70 all my decorations and cbi badge and never heard or spit upon, i think a lot of this is bullshit!!! What is the average lifespan of a veteran? Thus, a follow-up mo. My room mate was nick named Budda in the 134th. Same goes with the SF flash. I was a Medic with the 93rd Evac. Food for thought. But for claims, I have found the DAV (I have to join) to be a real kick ass outfit. Though rarely found in Americans, the parasites infect an estimated 25 million people worldwide, mostly in Asia. Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? Soon we won't have any World War II Veterans remaining. Thanks for your attention to this subject. not too many left, Vietnam Veterans Dying Breed. Racial and Ethnic Groups 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 Millions Men Women. Can I cut apples the night before for apple pie? I used to be with the local VVA and did the Newsletter in 1987+ I added a column of all the OBITS of then dying off Vietnam Veterans from our area. You posted this on September 2nd. How long will flowers last in wet floral foam? I hope you all know that if you were in country and have diabetes you are basically automatically qualified for soem degree of compensation their is a presumptive connection as there is with various cancers. american legion of purple hearts. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial was dedicated on November 10 . Another who is 85,from Colorado and was on the USS Rhona in Tunisia in the early stages of WWll who filed his claim at age 80 for PTSD. we better make it soon . Can you put dead flowers in food waste bin? As for the CAR, that might be another story. December 27, 2018 (aged 112 years, 230 days) Austin, Texas, U.S. Oliver Stone. My English teaching assistant at the U of A, in 1971, called me a baby killer, and spat on the ground. We took care of the Big Red 1 and the 173rd Sky soliders Long Bein . It is believed that less than 850,000 of the 2,709,918 Americans who served in Vietnam are still living today; the age of the youngest American Vietnam veteran is around 60 years old. I don't know about you guys, but it kind of gives me the chills. (Reuters Health) According to a new study, mortality rates among Vietnam Conflict veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that were higher than usual imply that battle trauma may continue be damaging veterans health even decades after the war. When I returned to the U.S. from Nam I remember walking thru LAX terminal in uniform and having people call me names, one having attempted to spit on me. There is only ONE KIND OF VIET NAM VET,,ONE WHO WAS THERE. The veterans outreach counseling is good for PTSD Tx, etc. got rocketed big time because it was the start of the TET offensive. ) Part of the reason was economic. 1/3rd of all the U.S. Vets who served in VietNam ?!?!? Mike. I may have some choice words to express as well. I remember tet that was no picnic for rear echelon, and being in a chopper,those m60s werent there for show. According to the DVA 490,135 in country Vietnam Veterans died during the years 2000-2007 and that translates to approximately192 per day. Div. For the family whose son is just coming back, you arent going to have a public welcoming home ceremony when someones son just down the road was just sent off to Vietnam., As the war ground on and became increasingly hopeless, the military personnel put through this kind of revolving door of service came to represent something many Americans would rather not accept: defeat. MarDivPhoto on Oct 9, 2009 refers to the American War Museum website, and mike_brewer on Oct 12, 2009 refers to the Vietnam War Museum, both as the source of the number 850,000 living Vietnam veterans. A friend of mine who is an in-country veteran asked me to look into the topic of how many Vietnam veterans are still alive. In 1970 received a letter from him (Reuters Health) - Higher than average death rates among Vietnam War veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) suggest that combat trauma may still be affecting veterans' health even decades after the war, according to a new study. I take ware hearing aids and to this day Im always vigilant when Im out always It got too overwhelming for me, there were so MANY. (Vietnam veterans are passing away at a pace that is about comparable to that of their dads who served in World War II.) Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? 61% of those killed were younger than twenty one and 11,465 of those killed were younger than twenty years of age. As of this date The American War Library estimates that approximately 610,000 Americans who served on land in Vietnam or in the air over Vietnam between 1954 and 1975 are alive today. Some pilots, career men and members of elite units may have been much older. Originating from New York City, Tom Selleck. I was spat on in Chicago in Lincoln Park in 1969. Vietnam for two tours. That is a very large amount, equating to around 23.6 million. Hi Mike, Recently, a local widow of a serviceman received a shock when. With the internet and sites like this, Im hoping to hear from someone I served with A lot of guys found themselves in the sh-t and were not grunts. God bless you guys for your sacrifice. Went looking for a new job,on foot walking many miles every day,but when they foung out that i was a vietnam veteran they would not hire me.Some would ask if I was a Drug addict 0r killed people etc. Veterans Fight PTSD and Injuries With Sailing, More Than 100 Sickened in Arizona Cryptosporidium Parasite Outbreak. While the economy after World War II was one of the most robust in American history, during and after Vietnam the nation was in a death spiral of stagflation and economic malaise. We who served America do not deserve this treatment. It is anticipated that the overall number of veterans would fall from 20.0 million in the year 2017 to 13.6 million in the year 2037. Deeds need to be done in addition to words, says Wowwk, who is 100 percent disabled from his Vietnam wounds. No way of accounting for one car accidents either. If you read the Taps in their mag there seems to be an alarming rate of NamVets dying in theirlate fifties and early sixties. For myself I always felt that the millions of men who were in uniform before me returned to civilian life, I could do the same, when I went into the army, I was How many brain cells will you have by then? i just learned, they are going to give me 40% for a couple things. Of the 2.6 million, between 1-1.6 million (40-60%) either fought in combat, provided close support or were at least fairly regularly exposed to enemy attack. And for the men who served in Vietnam and survived unspeakable horrors, coming home offered its own kind of trauma. CIB air medalan dall that. Im a member of the Vietnam Veterans of American. Abit more images would be nice. How Many Veterans Are Enrolled In College? am i misrepresenting myself, id really like to know. "It was surprising," he said, stressing the preliminary results could include false positives and that the research is ongoing. Why are my bok choy leaves turning yellow? Good luck and take care -Jim. FAQ: What Are My Benefits As A 100 Disabled Veteran? At this rate there will be only a few of us alive in 2015. Ach, the memories. Greensburg, Indiana, U.S. Garwood was transferred to North Vietnam in 1969, and according to reports, he was freed in 1973 along with the other American prisoners of war as part of the Paris Peace Accords. You couldnt believe that people were cheering you.. the word from the rear was we werent authorized cib. Jim is 100% PTSD, but stable and happily married with 2 children. In my military career, I personaly wrote CIB support letters for over 20 non-11B soldiers whom I knew had spent more than 180 days in a forward deployed posture and were under combat conditions, 6 receiving purple hearts none received the CIB. He now gets about $3,100 a month and says he's relieved to know his wife will continue to receive benefits after he dies. There are tons of Era Vets who are categorized as Vietnam Veterans, which is sort of true, but they are Vietnam ERA Vets, and never left the United States. Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? returned from Vietnam , the clock has been ticking. Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? Peter Langenus, today the Commander of VFW Post 653 in New Canaan, Connecticut, commanded Delta Company, 3rd Battalion/7th Infantry, 199th Light Infantry Brigade from 1969-70. These statistics were taken from a variety of sources to include: The VFW In war, there are no unwounded soldiers That in a sense is a violation of Federal law and should be attacked by those with means to do so. Starting to live with zest at 60 aint so bad. Everytime there is a major airline crash in the news, we email it to each other and joke that would have been US if we kept flying. Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? 2015if any.. Sorry about the delay here in answering. Pete. 1969 most of the unit were draftees, with a few old hands returning for a We were driving home from the airport when I heard the news. Something to be proud of! Bill Ray/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images, The Vietnam War claimed the lives of more than 58,000 American service members and wounded more than 150,000. Just a note of trivia. Guy C. Lamunyon At the same time all my friends whom never served had good jobs and new cars etc. They all understand. I had 6 close buddies in Vietnam. Thanks for your added comment I was in Artillery had my hands on a lot of weapons from the 105, 155, 175mm guns up to the 8inch Howitzer, and all the other weapons in between. This treatment ive been asked a few times over the years 2000-2007 and translates. Before the end of World War II Veterans remaining as for the men who at! The figure 850,000 living Vietnam Veterans are still alive some pilots, career men and members of elite may... 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