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vatican snake church

Chris then lights a torch in a glass bottle and Vicie holds it next to her neck, without flinching and leaving no sign of any burn marks. He can stay hidden. Two years ago, the eclectic Architectural Digest ranked it among the nations prettiest, but even in reporting that fact, a San Francisco-based website saw fit to open the article with this gibe: Know[n] to few as Church of Mary of the Assumption or Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption, the church at 1111 Gough [Street] has been rechristened by San Franciscans as Our Lady of Maytag. Regardless, there certainly cannot be much debate as to the meaning of thepunishment being imminent. The Mitre hat of Dagan is always worn over the Kippa of Ashtoreth/Cybele, as you can see in . The day he got bit - and it was the same with my father - when we asked do you want to go to the hospital? They could - we don't force nobody not to go. Circling back around to the primary subject of this article the Paul VI Audience Hall we cant leave this section without noting that the designer of the hall, Pier Luigi Nervi (1891-1979), although a fairly prolific architect, was to our knowledge involved in only one other collaboration on a religious structure, the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption, in San Francisco, California, which is quite hideous in its own right: St. Marys Cathedral in San Francisco, aka Our Lady of Perpetual Agitation It has been pointed out that the rather scraggly hair billowing out on the right of the photo when taken as a whole, bears a resemblance to a serpents head, so were back to the reptile connection again. Thus the knowledge of God is better manifested and the preaching of the Gospel becomes clearer to human intelligence and shows itself to be relevant to mans actual conditions of life. A pyramid-shaped skylight at the peak of the church intensifies the whiteness. It was used [] by Freemasonry as a symbol of the divine entity revered by them, the Great Architect of the Universe Here is the church built by architect Nervi perhaps in honor of the Masonic god, the great architect of the universe, who , for those who do not know, it is always the snake. He was my pastor, my brother,my best friend. The hard-t0-miss theres a viper staring at you effect is nodoubt attributable in large part to the trapezoid shape of the building. See the 25 most recent comments left on our blog: CLICK HERE. Vatican City and St. Peter's Basilica were built on the ancient pagan site called in Latin "vaticanus mons" or "vaticanus collis", which means hill or mountain of prophecy. It's the monumental "The Resurrection," created by the sculptor Pericle Fazzini, who in 1965 was commissioned by the Vatican to provide a backdrop for the modern Paul VI Audience Hall. The Vatican, while located in Rome, is it's own sovereign nation state, and a look around the grounds reveals unimaginable wealth and a plethora of strangely symbolic pieces. Rather than Our Blessed Lord displaying the expression of one who has conquered sin and death and risen triumphantly from the grave, Fazzinis version gives this Jesus a world-weary look of uncertainty and perplexity. Modern Masters ethically serves small businesses in metaphysical, paranormal, healing, spirituality, homesteading, acupuncture and other related fields. Many members of the congregation claim that they have been healed from other addictions such as alcoholism as well as illnesses such as lupus and heart conditions. Ancient Egypt and Aliens Forbidden Archaeology! During the fascinating spectacle, the frenzied churchgoers clap, dance, scream and shout some even appear to speak in tongues. It was built according to a project by architect Pier Luigi Nervi between 1976 and 1981, and was solemnly consecrated by cardinal Ugo Poletti. Pope claims Vatican II was renewal of the Church in tune with the signs of the times - LifeSite. Their coat of arms included three bees on a blue background, next to a papal tiara and St. Peter's keys. | [1] The pontiff often uses the room as an indoor venue for large services when outdoor spaces aren't available because of bad weather. And I don't even think if they could come back, they'd want to come back. by Christopher Ferrara). This all sounds pretty straightforward so far, but let's dive into what makes this building so strange. Instead, the befuddled look they see upon that countenance manifests the doctrinal flux and confusion that overcame Catholics post-Vatican II, when they found themselves faced with a new religion emanating from what appeared to be the Catholic magisterium. Religious Luciferian symbols Religion False prophets Jesuits Symbols Catholicism [You can see how Lucifer/Satan pulls the strings of religion by the symbols. Looking more like a pagan temple than a Catholic church (like all of Rome's churches, in fact), this massive and opulent complex holds many dark secrets. La Resurrezione(The Resurrection) is a Modernist nightmare image that shrieks the message of blasphemous rebellion stated somewhat less shrilly by its surroundings. So, when Vosko says that Vatican II represents the end of stable religion, it is most assuredly said in triumph. This is the all-seeing eye. And Chris, who has been bitten several times, the last time just two months ago, says that while he doesnt want to die from a serpent bite, he would be willing to die for his beliefs if he had to. Unlike Pier Luigi Nervi, who seemingly left no specific clue as to whether there was any extra-architectural significance to the halls design, La Resurreziones creatorPericle Fazzini (1913-1987)was quite specific when speaking about the message he intended to send with it. How long would it take? Fifty or sixty years. [] Have more freedom, and the time that you need. It received nearly 100,000 likes over the course of three days. What he had to say about the thinking behind Novus Ordo church architecture is equally apropos the Paul VI Masonic Audience Hall: Vatican II says we have to have a totally new understanding of what religion is., Architect Nervi was in complete harmony with this new understanding, which, when it came to sacred spaces, was to stand traditional thinking square on its head and to serve as a challenge to conventional religious thought. The most famous of the Vatican-Mafia scandals, however, is the collapse of Banco Ambrosiano, an Italian bank in which the Vatican was the main shareholder and which it used to launder money for the Mafia. One of the foremost offenders in this regard, and perhaps the creepiest looking of of all, has to be the 6300-seat snake-head-like Hall of the Pontifical Audiences. Dancers of the Russian Army perform during a concert in honor of Pope John Paul II's 26th Anniversary as head Of Catholic Church at the Paul VI Hall,. Despite the controversy tied to exorcism due to its sensational nature and claims of abuse in their execution, such rites have been carried out even by popes in modern times. Is this just a trick on the eyes? Top view could vaguely remember the head of a snake. Check them out at your own risk. Thus the devil does everything to overcome souls consecrated to God because in this way, the devil will succeed in leaving the souls of the faithful abandoned by their leaders, thereby the more easily will he seize them. In 2007, the Vatican had its first drug-related crime, after a Holy See employee was found in possession of cocaine. He decided to open his own church after the death of his brother Randy, who was also a pastor in the faith. (Sister Lucia of Fatima, Interview with Fr. When I was on drugs I wasn't even living. Of course, the Vatican itself is easily recognizable from above as a giant keyhole, symbolizing the gates of heaven. This conclusion seems completely reasonable. Now it is destined to discuss the first volume that deals extensively with the subject, The mystery of the Church of San Pio from today in Italian bookshops. For a long time, the Catholic Church rejected scientific findings that conflicted with its doctrine, even persecuting Galileo. I had the idea of depicting Christ as if He were rising again from the explosion of this large olive grove, peaceful site of His last prayers. The only way they were able to avoid lawsuits, bankruptcy, and criminal prosecution was through the intervention of the pope and the Archbishop of Philadelphia, who dished out over $5 million to quiet the Paulines' creditors and pay back their fraudulent loans. Who knows the story already, who? From an analysis of the Paul VI Audience Hall, we read: Nervis Audience Hall is, at its core, an intersection of two profound ideas in his lifes workthe relentless search for the truthful style and the creation of an architecture of optimism. The edifice, described by one person in the audience as very cerebral, is appallingly stark. God had shown Satan to the Vicar of His divine Son on earth, just like He did with Job. This book revealed an inside look at the inner workings of the Vatican not normally afforded to the public, includingas The Huffington Post explainsevidence of widespread corruption and revelations the Holy See is home to rampant jealousy and backstabbing. It depicts the auditorium having been transformed into a giant playground for the children of Vatican City employees. 2007-2023 Following this hypothetical narrative, La Resurrezione would represent a celebration of the triumph of the 1958 coup, with the nuclear blast representing the threat through which occult forces were able to seize the reins of the Church, and the risen Christ (Antichrist?) Secret Archives KGB .Russian Secret Book. Once the thousand years are past, Satan is set loose to work evil again, but the good news such as it is is that it will be only for a little time (v. 3). A number of architectural styles have been wildly popular over the past half-century or so: modernist, hyper-modernist, and post-modernist, chief among them. ), and ultimately replacing pre-Vatican II churches with late-20th century specimens of spectacular bizarreness, the unwritten rule apparently being: The designer is to be given complete freedom in choosing whatsoever style most greatly pleases him, provided it fits in with the faith community, and is approved by the local authorities. Get the perfect website for your sacred work at Modern Masters. (Rev. Satan is one or more members of an extraterrestrial Reptilian race that has secretly ruled over humanity for centuries through human or hybrid intermediaries. (It also goes by the sobriquets Our Lady of Perpetual Agitation and McGuckens Maytag.) One look at its washing machine agitator-like roof and you will see why. The whole building and stage appear to resemble the image of a snake. The congregations gathers around them and lay their hands on them. This explanation is not something new, something that is mine: what we are studying is what Saint Paul says in a very serious conflict with the Galatians. Not a day goes by I dont think about him but he found something that was worth dying for, something that he loved more than he loved his self. Be notified each time a new post appears on our blog! The infamous sect of Freemasonry, so St. Padre Pio defined the organization that for centuries tried to overthrow Catholic society. Another famous sculpture in the Vatican Museums is this beautiful 19th century marble statue by Antonio Canova, Perseus Triumphant. In a broader sense, the building serves to challenge (and ultimately redefine) ideas of what sacred architecture can and should be. As if this were not sufficiently occult, inside the serpent's mouth is a strange-looking representation of Christ's resurrection by sculptor Pericle Fazzini, below fifth row. In 1946,the Archbishop of Bologna, Cardinal Giovanni Battista Nasalli Rocca di Corneliano (1872-1952), related the historical explanation for the line in the St. Michaels prayer that mentions that the demons prowl about the world for the ruin of souls. He had received it from Mgr. You can see how scared I am of them when God is not with me, he says. Some people use tradition as a way of staying in a habit. It is only one of the many bizarre things associated with this auditorium. Except for the labyrinth in colored tiles on the floor, and the wood and upholstered chairs (no kneelers), the churchs sharp surfaces are entirely white, except for a two-story window, which frames the sacred pine tree just outside. Celestine Kapsner, O.S.B., Begone Satan! Even secular web sites dont fail to see the obvious, such asThrillist, which published a feature entitledThe Nine Ugliest Cathedrals in the World (eight out of nine are Novus Ordo, with the last one being an oddball Anglican Cardboard Cathedral in New Zealand). In the past six years, there have been three recorded deaths in the US from snake bites during religious services. For those who may be unaware of the significance of speaking through the mouth of a serpent, the last such incident was recorded in Genesis 3:1-5. Almost 25 years later, Chris watched as his beloved brother Mack Randy Wolford die in the same way bitten by a deadly rattlesnake while he was preaching during an outdoor service. We cannot stand still, Vosko said as he continued walking around the labyrinth he designed into the floor of the chapel, because life is too short., During his lecture, Fr. Given the large tourist crowds, Vatican City is a pickpocket and purse-snatcher's paradise. Here's just a few. (It is noteworthy that one of his other chief projects assisted the aims of world government, when he was one of three architects who designed the UNESCO Headquarters aka the World Heritage Centre, which was completed in Paris in 1958.). And to throw in a distinctly sedevacantist what if?, theres a certain conspiracy theory centered around the year 1958. Even more cautious, but equally severe, was the The Outrage to Padre Pio issue, published three years later by Angelo Maria Mischitelli, author of various historical books on the saint of Gargano. Father Alfred Joseph Kunz was a Catholic priest who was found with his throat slit in his Roman Catholic church in Dane, Wisconsin, after launching an investigation into Satanic pedophilia and child abuse within the clergy. In 1977, on the occasion of Paul VIs eightieth birthday and less than a year before his death, the Vatican was gifted with an enormous bronze sculpture that would prove to be the halls finishing touch. Meanwhile, some information on the inventor of this precise Vatican snake. Of course every Sunday I worry it might be the last time I see him. However, under no circumstances may the finished edifice appear to be, much less be able to function as, a Roman Catholic church. Out of all the dope I've ever done I tell people there's no greater feeling than the power of God moving, on you and through you. They then cooked their hearts and tongues and ate them. The Japanese art of making decorative shapes from folded paper can produce some lovely works; unfortunately, its not something that really lends itself well to church design quite the opposite, to be honest. In the light of allegations of aiding and abetting the Third Reich, laundering money for organized crime, smuggling gold to help overthrow regimes, and seemingly countless abuse scandals, the idea of misappropriating tens of millions of dollars seems positively quaint by comparison, but nevertheless, a scandal and subsequent cover-up regarding some spendthrift monks in the 1970s proved to be very costly for the Vatican in terms of both money and reputation. The fact that the Vatican's only supermarket reportedly sells wine duty-free probably doesn't hurt sales either. The Vatican Museums reopen after the last lockdown for the Covid-19 pandemic, in the photo tourists in the Sistine Chapel . In Voskos anthropological religion, the story of Jesus is a myth and Catholic rituals are not objectively different from Sioux sun dances or the Shamanic practices of Nepalese monks. As the deadly strychnine, which can cause muscle spasms, convulsions and asphyxiation, begins to take hold, Pastor Chris Wolford has to sit down on the altar, struggling to breathe and sweating profusely. Could be. But the Bible says if I be a fool, I be a fool for Christ, Chris said. No one can say with certainty which milestones have been passed and which are still ahead, but given the state of the Church and the world, its probably safe to say were quite far along. Christ rises from this crater torn open by a nuclear bomb; an atrocious explosion, a vortex of violence and energy.. The World Wildlife Day is observed every year on March 3 to raise awareness about the wild fauna and flora across the globe. Augustine Fuentes, Dec. 26, 1957; quoted in Frre Michel de la Sainte Trinit, The Whole Truth About Fatima, vol. Both the hall and the sculpture will be treated in depth momentarily, but first it will be profitable to examine the Novus Ordo justification for such grotesqueries. Michelangelo's take on the subject has, over time, become iconic. With an area of about 110 acres and a population of around 1,000 people, Vatican City is the smallest country in the world, contained fully inside the city of Rome, but its small physical size belies its somewhat outsized influence and power. A doctor was summoned and several came at once. The vatican, officially vatican City, is a tiny independent country located entirely within the City of Rome. [Collegeville, MN: Celestine Kapser, 1935], p. 24). Oct 31, 2016 - Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Three people come forward to be healed or to ask for prayers for loved ones. The word "Vatican" literally means "Divining Serpent," and is derived from Vatis = Diviner and Can = Serpent. 13. It is a commentary on the futility of relying on precious materials to create a sense of the divinein his Audience Hall, Nervi demonstrates that space achieves sanctity through structure and thoughtfully designed spaces, not expensive skins or claddings. Connection To The Manson Family. The conciliar Popes now deliver their new doctrine from the serpents mouth. The title of this section is a quote byFather (or Father) Richard S. Vosko, a noted liturgical design consultant and wreckovator extraordinaire. It can take six or seven of Amorth's assistants to hold down someone possessed. As forCatholic, not so much. They stated that they had been researching the Church of Satan on the Internet and that's how they learned how to perform a Satanic ritual. According to Father Amorth, John Paul II tried and failed to drive a demon out of a woman who was brought before him in St. Peter's Square screaming, writhing, and drooling in 2000. It's not for us to question why these things happen - its to believe, he said. Whereas the original Vatileaks showed Benedict as overwhelmed and unable to control the cyclone of corruption around him, the second set of documents focus on Francis as a bold reformer trying to clean house within the Vatican bureaucracy. Some argue the rate is high because it does not have a long-term prison. There was no sign of any pulse-beating, the very life seemed to have ebbed away from the already weakened and aged body. The St. Pauli church in Malm has removed a controversial LGBT painting from its altar in case viewers see the transgender individuals as being associated with evil. [6], In replies to the August 25th @GenesisJane tweet, many other Twitter users expanded on the possible lore of the Pope and the setting, imagining what kind of game he might be a part of. X4: Foundations Black Hole Sun Map; Kallar Vi Mongibello Webbkryss As the home of St. Peter's Basilica, the Sistine Chapel, and the Vatican Museums, Vatican City is also a major cultural center. After celebrating Mass one day he was in conference with the Cardinals. Outside of believing in the five signs of the Gospel I don't think were much different from any other church. Yet its only after one goes inside that the full effect can be appreciated. Now the Vatican looks to promote its observatory as a bridge to science. This leak scandal became known as Vatileaks, because of course it did. Its one of those things that, once seen, cant be unseen. This seems incredibly sad for us grown-up folk. vatican snake church. The Vatican only has one jail, which is generally meant to be used for pre-trial containment but which is apparently used more often as a storage shed, and most judicial actions for violent crimes are actually carried out by Italian authorities. But as History points out, the Archives aren't really secret in the sense of being hidden from people; the word "secret" in this case means something closer to "private," because officially they house paperwork and correspondence relating to the pope. For example, Twitter user and video game designer @GeneticJen made this comparison explicit in an August 25th, 2022, tweet (shown below) that declared they were ready to "fight the pope." It is an eighth the size of New York's Central Park and is governed as an absolute monarchy with the pope at its head . For years, independent investigators have worked to point out the dark symbolism of the Catholic Church, noting that symbolism in architecture has long been used ton convey hidden meaning. Chris had explained earlier how he wouldnt take out the snakes unless he felt the holy spirit was with him a sensation he says is better felt than described. Fazzinis final work, dedicated in 1987, was a hideous monument to Padre Pio at San Giovanni Rotondo. Right? The famous Fontana della Pigna is a massive pine cone which is believed by many to represent the pineal gland, a tiny gland within the human brain believed to be the source of spiritual experience. And if you give me a little more freedom, you could see what I would do for your church! What would you do? I would destroy it. Oh, that would be something to see. As recalled by a plaque at the back of the church, on December 6, 1981, a few months after the attack, the church received a visit from John Paul II. Yet he will make up for his lack of time by amassing a vast army the number of whom is as the sand of the sea (v. 7) to wage war against the faithful. Nowthatis not up to interpretation the striking absence was a deliberate attempt by those tasked with furnishing the hall to reject Catholic ornaments (with one exception, to be mentioned shortly). He tells me afterwards he had to rush to the bathroom to vomit mid-service: Sometimes the spirit comes on so strong it makes you sick, he says. You must move . No one knows if Nervi had such an uncanny conception; but whether or not it was intended, the design easily lends itself to such an interpretation; and it is not unreasonable, given everything that has transpired in the Vatican since the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958, to point out that perhaps there is more than just inexplicable oddity here perhaps there is deliberate Satanic intent. She verywell could have had in mind a Pandoras box out of which many evils would spring, so richly deserved by a world that has largely abandoned God and refused to heed Our Lady of Fatimas call to repentance. Embed from Getty Imageswindow.gie=window.gie||function(c){(gie.q=gie.q||[]).push(c)};gie(function(){gie.widgets.load({id:'8oVC6k2NR0Jpqku0peKjxw',sig:'diNDHxbWryTz3Vm5UIvmuqLlDxgifyCSK4n0U5ektiw=',w:'594px',h:'331px',items:'52686073',caption: true ,tld:'com',is360: false })}); Christ or Antichrist? The Vatican snake, another proof the catholic church is satan's church! (Second Vatican Council, Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes, n. 62). 44.). The large hall is purported by conspiracy theorists to have been built to look like the head of a snake. As Gerald Posner explains in an opinion piece in the Washington Post, efforts to get the Vatican to involve themselves in restitution efforts or even to open their war-era archives have been roundly rebuffed since at least the Clinton administration. A noted French Catholic historian has questioned why traditional Catholics are being marginalized, victimized and exclud Francis says V2 was renewal of the Church in tune with the signs of the times - Contrast with Pius IX's Syllabus: "The Roman Pontiff can, and ought to, reconcile himself and come to terms with progress, liberalism and modern civilization" (CONDEMNED). This silenced the voice of St. Peter at the Basilica that bears his name and set in motion a tidal wave of Modernism that changed virtually every facet of Catholicism by means of a false council, false sacraments, false canon law, false annulments, etc. The Vatican, while located in Rome, is it's own sovereign nation state, and a look around the grounds reveals unimaginable wealth and a plethora of strangely symbolic pieces. Enjoy! Wait, some Novus Ordo stalwarts may chide us, how can you possibly overlook the striking artwork thats situated directly behind the pope, and that rises high above him? The McGucken of McGuckens Maytag is Bishop Joseph Thomas McGucken (1902-83), who ordered the erection of a cathedral to replace the previous St. Marys, which had been destroyed by arson in 1962. "The devil is pure spirit, invincible. Within a decade there broke out the spiritual pandemic that is still afflicting the Church and the world today, and which is so amply documented on this web site. Some of them I reared since they were babies. One of these is the Vatican has the highest crime rate of any country in the world, as the BBC reports. The new one was designed while McGucken was in Rome attending the Second Vatican Council, and it has been called the first cathedral truly of our time and in harmony with the liturgical reforms of the Council by architecht Nervi himself. Even the horrendous crime of abortion, the logical consequence of the acceptance of contraception, began to lose its stigma, to such an extent that today there are countless Catholics who either accept it as morally legitimate or at least defend it as a civil right, with no punitive consequences by the people who claim to be the lawful Roman Catholic authorities. CNN . Id rather go that way than with a needle in my arm.. Thus, for example, we see on the semi-traditionalistTradition in Action the appropriately-titled Churches of Hell, where one can see a church that looks like a dunce cap, another with weird angles out of some German expressionist movie, yet others resembling a Shinto shrine or some type of occult building, etc. Of the times - LifeSite divine Son on earth, just like he did with Job to Padre defined... Church is satan & # x27 ; s church Vatican looks to promote its observatory a. Has, over time, become iconic Freemasonry, so St. Padre Pio defined the that... 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